Fresh Daily

Nutrition at Your Fingertips

Fresh Daily

Nutrition at Your Fingertips


Fresh Daily is a meal planning assistant that simplifies healthy eating for busy individuals and practical homemakers.

scope of work

Brand Identity
Key Visuals
Brand Manual
Creative Direction
A wall advertisement with illustrations of food ingredients, a person biking with a bag of groceries and photos of a person cooking and a bag of vegetables.
Founded in the late ’80s, Fresh Daily started as a retail store serving meat products until it closed its doors in the ’90s. Today, it is re-introducing itself as the family continues its legacy by offering a healthy and convenient solution to homemakers around the city. 
More than just another delivery service, Fresh Daily aims to assist modern-day families and busy individual effortlessly cook healthy meals at home. Fresh Daily helps members bring order to their homes through an intuitive and reliable AI system that allows them to organize meals and pantry needs, and adjust weekly budget. Through this process, Fresh Daily helps busy professionals and practical homemakers save time and money, cooking more often while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

We positioned Fresh Daily as a “meal planning assistant” and developed a brand bursting with personality and color that helped customers feel like they have better control of their home lives.

Fresh Daily’s vibrant visual system centers around the idea of freshness and sensibility. The brandmark is notable for its key attributes; fresh, healthy, and sensible. We developed delightful imagery, honest typography, and a vibrant yet sophisticated color palette based on their highly tailored, human-centered approach in the delivery space.

Custom illustrations feature happy families, home-cooked meals, and cheeky pantry ingredients. To make the brand assets adaptable, we designed the brand as a foundation for future growth.

The result is a food tech brand that illustrates a personalized customer journey that feels like a one-on-one relationship. We were also engaged in a post-project creative consultancy to help guide the execution of the brand from user testing, packaging to UX design.

“They were very thorough. They brought structure and discipline to our very “rough” ideas at that time. They took care of everything that we didn’t need to worry too much on follow ups and deadlines. We were able to focus on developing our technology and prototype.”

Shyrwinsteel Sia, CEO

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