The High Five

The High Five: The Backbone’s Design Core Values for Meaningful Collaborations

Collaboration means to work together, to “co-labor”. At least two great minds, two sets of hands, working together to realize something greater.

Having design core values is vital for a design studio to share positive impact and collaboration with a brand. Every successful business or product comes from collaborative design. 

Collaboration requires mutual understanding to create compelling brands and design systems. This is more than just verbal language but an understanding of how design is practiced in a design studio. And for us, this is how our core values guide us in responding to any design challenge that comes our way. 

Our five design core values stand as our backbone (The Backbone’s backbone, lol), giving light to creating meaningful things people care about.

Culture Forward

Culture is a way of thinking; the value brings people together for a common interest.

Good design doesn’t just work, but it matters and nurtures. This thinking taught us that it is always about people and building a community around the brand.

When we design, we aim to represent the people behind the work and communicate their culture to the accepting audience.

When we design we aim to represent the people behind the work and communicate our culture forward.

Keep It Simple But Intricate

Simplicity means easy to understand. Simple designs are more elegant, and the grandest things can express complexity with minimal effort.

We keep brands and designs simple by understanding personal, business, and market perspectives. We put ourselves in the user’s shoes and understand their ideas and feelings, then mirror their expressions in an instinctually understandable way by the viewer. 

In the end, understanding becomes insight and creates meaning.

Relentless Optimism

An open environment encourages creatives to express their ideas without hesitation and allows others to build on them. This enables us to shift our focus from process to personal creative development, creating a space for growth and innovation.

This innovation creates design systems that are unique and effective, and that thrive in the user’s own economic environment. The creative space allows us to find ideas to push forward through the challenges of creating recognition and results for the brand.

Always be Learning

We like to challenge existing solutions and inspire new ideas through constant experimentation. We believe there is no “only way” to approach a design challenge but rather to find the best possible solution for each problem with data and storytelling

This can only be achieved by embracing uncertainty and daring to make a calculated swing that leads to breakthrough thinking and conceptualization.

Be nice and Collaborate

Our strength comes from collective ideas from people we work with and individual experiences from day-to-day life. 

Being able to build on the ideas together makes impressive work. This greatly applies to our relationship with our clients. We invite our clients to be part of the creative team, encouraging them to take imaginative leaps with us, working together to represent their brand or product best.

As individuals, we have our own principles and are limited to our perspectives and body of experience. But when collaborating, we can see from different directions at once. In collaboration, there is an exponential widening of ideas that one could never perceive individually.

Applying our High Five Design Values, we can help create unique ideas, products, and design systems that bring everyone to co-labor towards your goals. 

High Five!


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